My Embodiment Song

One with the earth; ears attuned to the whisper of the flowers blooming, awakening from their deep slumber.
She dances through life; taking moments to pause, listen & feel the beat of the rhythm moving through her. Allowing her body to gracefully be swept away into the sweet melody of expansion & surrender.
She makes space for play, creating moments to pray.
She carries the ancestral wisdom in her womb.
She honors her bleed, the cycles of the moon. Her pussy holds the codes to her deep desires & pleasure is her birthright.
She is on a mission to bring all beings back to their bodies.
She holds the perfect balance of sacred reverence & childlike wonder. A truth teller, container creatrix and wild womban.
She will hold space for your darkest shadows and reflect the light within.
She illuminates the spaces where you’ve been wanting to begin again.

When I was in the early stages of building and designing my website, I went through my journal for inspiration.
The poem above was written in August 2020, two months before even deciding to create my brand.

In October 2020, I decided I was going to build a website and do a complete rebrand.
I was ready to take my business to the next level.

I was living in Wilmington, NC where I met my friend Jess. One day I shared with her this desire to launch a website and she referred me to my now Web Designer ~ Tuesday. She helped me through the process and I am eternally grateful.

My brand needed a name, which was birthed when my lover visited me. We were swimming in the ocean shouting out random words and eventually ~ Earth, Rhythm & Womb ~ was created. You can read the story here.

The moment I went through my journal was a reminder.
A reminder that we are always guided.

A reminder that I am supposed to be here, now, showing up and doing this work.


Who is R.E.S.I.S.T.?