Sacred Ceremonies


Sacred circles to feel honored, witnessed and held by other women.


When women gather in ceremony, the earth and all her creatures heal.

7 years ago when I moved to Eugene, OR I attended a women’s Red Tent monthly circle. I was always the “girl with tons of guy friends” and took a long time to warm up to other women. Gathering with women every New Moon healed me. I found myself in their reflections. I felt held in their warmth. Nurtured by their yummy meals. I remembered that I am worthy of safe, unconditional loving relationships with women. As I grew into my womanhood, I knew I wanted to facilitate similar circles. Safe spaces for deep emotion. A space for women to take down their walls, connect, release and express themselves fully while being celebrated in a room full of their sisters.

You are worthy.
You deserve to feel this.

Eugene, OR / Virtual

Women’s Circles

Intentional ceremonies to dive deeper into a theme; through open share, meditation, guided exercises and/or journal prompts.


Eugene, OR

Red Tent Gatherings

These communal gatherings are a free community event held monthly on the Lunar New Moon ~ releasing and planting seeds for your next cycle. Attendees bring a sharable dish.

Do you dream of hosting your own Sacred Ceremony?

Do you have an upcoming baby shower, blessing-way, birthday, anniversary, bridal party, photoshoot, etc that you want to make extra special? I can simply offer a 15 minute mediation, or plan the whole ceremony. Whatever level of involvement you desire, let’s co-create a special evening that you’ll remember.

Let’s bring your vision to life!
