Client Words…

Goddess Collective Courtney Noel Goddess Collective Courtney Noel


Thank you for cultivating a loving and accepting space where vulnerability is honored. Where the feminine can be rediscovered and nurtured. This space has allowed me to escape from the fast paced, external world to pause, listen and feel the waves of each moment as they come and go….

Embodiment Photoshoot Attendee

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Goddess Collective Courtney Noel Goddess Collective Courtney Noel


I just wanted to thank you again for hosting the Full Moon Ceremony last week. This experience allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and further toward the person I want to become. Your space carries beautiful energy, and the ceremony was relaxing, invigorating, enlightening, and so freeing! Connecting with like-minded women is something I have been missing in my life, and the Full Moon Ceremony allowed me to do this in a safe space. The energy you put into each little detail made the entire experience unique, spiritual and healing. I will be looking forward to the next one!

Emma Davis

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1:1 Sessions, Goddess Collective Courtney Noel 1:1 Sessions, Goddess Collective Courtney Noel


Courtney’s communion with spirit leaves me feeling so felt and seen. She has this remarkable way of seeing the untapped potential within beings and handing down the baton to them to step into their own power. She is a powerhouse, and medicine woman, a friend, a sister, a teacher and a playful child. Courtney has taken such a powerful responsibility to be a part of the divine feminine rising and if you feel called to work with her LET THIS BE YOUR FUCK YES, YOUR AFFIRMATION. This women is such a powerful networker, and my god she WILL help you give birth to your untapped potential.

Sierra Stover

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1:1 Sessions Courtney Noel 1:1 Sessions Courtney Noel


I am humbled, honored and beyond excited to continue my healing journey with my beloved sister Courtney. Eternally grateful for your protection, advocacy and divine connection….


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1:1 Sessions Courtney Noel 1:1 Sessions Courtney Noel


I just had the most amazing healing session with Courtney. I feel lighter, lots of gunk was shifted and removed. I now have more space to receive; be open and expand. Thank you dear one!

Nicole Dawn Flores, Facebook

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1:1 Sessions Courtney Noel 1:1 Sessions Courtney Noel


When I started sessions with courtney I was nervous, I was nervous about having to open up to someone and share the dark stuff. It’s very intimidating to start doing the hard work, but Courtney has an amazing energy that is so healing and loving. In my first session I had no idea what I wanted to talk about or do and as soon as I sat down it all started to make sense and come out naturally…
Jaymie B.

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1:1 Sessions Courtney Noel 1:1 Sessions Courtney Noel


I had always strayed away from typical therapy because I never felt comfortable opening up and sharing in the typical settings. Then I found Courtney and the comfortability, love and openness I found working with her has led me to heal and change and grow into the person I want to be. There is no way to place value on this type of mentoring/coaching. It’s truly priceless and has steered my life in an amazing direction.

Xavie Tryon

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Twerkshop, 1:1 Sessions Tuesday Creative Co. Twerkshop, 1:1 Sessions Tuesday Creative Co.


Self help and therapy is something I have always struggled with, I never felt comfortable enough to give myself space for healing. Upon meeting Courtney all my past thoughts on therapy had changed. Not only did she open my eyes to past traumas I had been going through…


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Twerkshop Tuesday Creative Co. Twerkshop Tuesday Creative Co.


Courtney's Sensual Twerkshop is rewarding for the body and mind. It was so fun and freeing! It reminded me of my sensual, sexual power and left me feeling super connected to the powerful divine feminine. There is less pain and more energy and blood flow in my body. I feel detoxed and awake. I feel embodied, grounded, and confident.


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Twerkshop Tuesday Creative Co. Twerkshop Tuesday Creative Co.


Courtney holds a brilliant, loving, judgement free container to tune deeply into the body and wildly, wholeheartedly *move*. I immediately felt safe, empowered and able to full embody my sensual self in her presence. This is rare!! Dancing can feel vulnerable, especially in a group-class setting, but she has a way of playfully weaving in kindness, encouragement, wisdom, curiosity and play to the whole experience! My spirit feels lighter after taking her class, and I feel so excited to continue shaking my ass. I can't wait for the next Twerkshop!!

Olivia A.

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Twerkshop Tuesday Creative Co. Twerkshop Tuesday Creative Co.


I’ve had 2 calls with Courtney now; the first was to discuss feminine health and the candida diet, the second call was a group TwerkShop she led. Courtney is a well-spring of knowledge, a powerful communicator, and an experienced energy facilitator, all wrapped up and delivered with her joyful smile, the sparkling intellect in her eyes, and her resonant voice…

Sirena T.

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Twerkshop Tuesday Creative Co. Twerkshop Tuesday Creative Co.


I had the most amazing time during the twerkshop! This is so far out of my comfort zone and Courtney held such a safe place for all of us to connect to self and explore movement. After her class I felt sensually invigorated and empowered as a woman. That day I had extra pep in my step and held my head high. It was amazing and healing beyond expectation. I will be attending more of these workshops in the future and also diving into her other offering. Much love and light.

Kristy O.

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Twerkshop Tuesday Creative Co. Twerkshop Tuesday Creative Co.


The Sensual Twerkshop is rewarding for the body and mind. It is so fun and freeing! It reminds you of your sensual, sexual power and connected to the divine feminine. Afterwards there is less pain and more energy and blood flow in my body; and I feel detoxed, awake, embodied, grounded, and confident. Courtney's enthusiasm for this work is palpable and inspiring.

Allison C., Facebook

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Twerkshop Tuesday Creative Co. Twerkshop Tuesday Creative Co.


Oh my GOSH. I did her sensual twerkshop this last Sunday and I’m shocked at what it was able to bring me. I got to learn how to close my container and integrate the medicine into my body after dancing instead of leaking my energy out unintentionally the rest of the day. Game changer Later in the day I was able to experience pleasure during internal stimulation done by my myself FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER. I’ve waited years to unlock this and bring my worlds together in that way. Thank you so much for your medicine.

Katharina B. Facebook

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Goddess Collective Tuesday Creative Co. Goddess Collective Tuesday Creative Co.


Like that was so much more than just throw work that was sisterhood, vulnerability, creativity, heart work! Ahhhhh!!!

I am feeling so blessed and so grateful. Three hours of pure fucking joy. Thank you so much. I’m so excited to connect with everyone more.

@bri.yantra, Instagram

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Goddess Collective, Full Moon Ceremony Tuesday Creative Co. Goddess Collective, Full Moon Ceremony Tuesday Creative Co.


Courtney, the beautiful soul behind Earth, Rhythm, and Womb, is a vortex and channel of divine vibrations. This woman is so heart-centered when holding space, it evokes the hearts and truths of those present. Everyone is allowed to proudly feel whatever is needing to pass through and is embraced with unconditional love and support…

Sarah G.

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Twerkshop Tuesday Creative Co. Twerkshop Tuesday Creative Co.


My experience with Courtney as my Embodiment coach has been extremely enlightening. Through random divine connection - I found her instagram page and could feel her powerful and compassionate presence in this world. Just within our first session together, she was able to help me release stagnant energy that I’d been carrying for years. Every session after that, she channels such beautiful truths and helps me incorporate daily activities that have helped encourage me on my own spiritual journey. I am so incredibly thankful for Courtney! I would highly recommend her to anyone for her powerful offerings!

Claire M.

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Twerkshop Tuesday Creative Co. Twerkshop Tuesday Creative Co.


I had the most amazing time during the twerkshop! This is so far out of my comfort zone and Courtney held such a safe place for all of us to connect to self and explore movement. After her class I felt sensually invigorated and empowered as a woman. That day I had extra pep in my step and held my head high. It was amazing and healing beyond expectation. I will be attending more of these workshops in the future and also diving into her other offering. Much love and light.

Kristi O., Facebook

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